Supportive environment for your mental health and wellbeing

In Minu Kliinik the treatment pathway is supported by multidisciplinary teamwork, effective treatment methods and an atmosphere consistent with mental wellbeing.

At our clinic the following specialists work as a team

Psychiatrist is a medical doctor who assesses mental health and provides recommendations regarding further treatment plans. If necessary, the psychiatrist will prescribe medication, recommend psychotherapy or include other specialists in the treatment team.

Psychologist is a specialist who assesses mental health, plans and implements psychological treatment, using different evidence-based assessment measures and psychotherapeutic methods.

Occupational therapy aims to improve a person’s ability to be independent in everyday occupations and roles. Occupational therapist may focus on motivation, routine, self-regulation, sensory integration and processing, among other areas. Occupational therapist has the competence to adapt different environments and recommend therapeutic aids.

We use innovative treatment methods

Grounding environment and cohesive close-knit team

Thought-out, personalised and multidisciplinary solutions. For you mental health and wellbeing!